How Do You Appeal a Denied Family Immigration Visa?
Understanding the Reasons for Denial Before appealing a denied family immigration visa, it's crucial to understand the reasons behind the denial. Common reasons include insufficient evidence, missing documents, or ineligibility. Reviewing the denial notice [...]
What Are the Different Types of Employment Visas Available in the U.S.?
H-1B Visa: Specialized Occupations The H-1B visa is one of the most sought-after employment visas in the U.S. It allows employers to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations requiring theoretical or technical expertise. Common [...]
What Are the First Steps to Begin the U.S. Naturalization Process?
The journey toward U.S. citizenship through naturalization is marked by several critical steps, each designed to ensure applicants are well-prepared and fully qualified for the responsibilities and privileges of American citizenship. At Hanlon Law [...]