As of June 1, 2014, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will no longer be granting extensions for Reports of Medical Examination and Vaccination Records (Form I-693). This change is negating a policy that, since 2002, allowed for extensions to be granted on a case-by-case basis. In effect, the potential for extension could allow medical exams with civil surgeon endorsements to be valid for longer than the standard one-year period.

As of June 1, 2914, USCIS will no longer be granting extensions for Reports of Medical Examination and Vaccination Records (Form I-693).
Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), however, have taken issue with the possibility for extensions of these medical exams and records, as CDC officials have underscored the importance of up-to-date medical records to ensure that people applying for immigration status changes with USCIS are in good health (i.e., not afflicted with communicable diseases or illnesses and are up-to-date with all of their vaccinations).
USCIS has now complied with the CDC’s urgings, requiring people to submit new medical exams and vaccination records (Form I-693) if or when:
- It has been more than one year since the records were submitted to the USCIS.
- It has been more than one year since the civil surgeon has endorsed the record (when the record has not been submitted to USCIS within that one-year period).
The goal in updating this policy is to continue to promote the health and safety of people who may be applying for immigration status changes, as well as to protect the health and safety of other Americans.
Los Angeles, California Immigration Lawyers at the Hanlon Law Group, P.C.
At the Hanlon Law Group, P.C., our Los Angeles immigration attorneys have more than 15 years of experience successfully representing clients in various types of immigration cases, including those that involve the most basic immigration applications to those associated with extremely complicated federal court litigation.
Our firm offers state-of-the art technology to deliver these services efficiently while also providing each of our clients with old-fashioned personal service. That means you can count on your case progressing as quickly as possible while feeling confident that your Hanlon Law Group lawyer will answer your questions quickly, clearly and honestly.
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To learn more about our citizenship, immigration and deportation defense services contact our Los Angeles immigration attorneys today by calling (626) 765-4641 or (866) 489-7612 or by emailing us using the form at the upper right-hand side of the screen. From our office in Pasadena, we serve clients throughout the Los Angeles area, across the state of California and from around the world.
We offer free, confidential initial consultations to provide potential clients with expert advice regarding their immigration law needs. Additionally, we are able to provide immigration legal services in various languages, including in Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Bahasa Indonesian, Tagalog and Fukienese.