It has been said that you are never too old to learn or try something new. Perhaps it can also be said that you are never too old to become a citizen of the United States. Many people may give up on their dream of citizenship after they reach a certain age, but one woman living in the Los Angeles area never did.

As a result of her persistence, the 100-year-old woman became an official citizen of the United States on September 27, just a couple of weeks before her 101st birthday. She reports that she has always been optimistic, something that obviously helped her in her quest for citizenship.

The mother of seven living children came to the United States from Mexico so that her daughter could care for her. She has been living as a permanent resident in Los Angeles since 2001. Although she was eligible for citizenship in 2006, because she could not speak English, her application was repeatedly denied. She was able to successfully apply this time with a medical excuse. She is happy to be a citizen of the country where her family lives and considers Los Angeles just as much her home as her birth city of Guadalajara, Mexico.

If you are interested in becoming a United States citizen, this woman proves that it is never too late to apply. You may wish to consult with an immigration attorney in order to get the process started and ensure that all the necessary steps are taken.

Source: Tiger Online, “Local centenarian granted citizenship,” Jordan Xiao, Oct. 16, 2013